Do It Yourself
How To Make A DIY Dryer Lint Fire Starter

This DIY dryer lint fire starter proves your household is a treasure trove of materials essential for building fire and for survival!
RELATED: Ways To Start A Fire | 17 Unconventional Tricks And Techniques
DIY Dryer Lint Fire Starter for Building Fire
Fire: A Pillar of Survival
In a survival situation, fire is one of the most important necessities. Carrying a pocket lighter, flint & steel, or matches at all times is ideal.
In the event you need fire, you have it right in your pocket. In every household, there are flammable materials that we overlook.
These flammable materials can save our lives if you know how to get them up in flames with a DIY fire starter.
In my last article, I showed you how to properly start a fire with a cotton ball. In this article, I will show you how to light dryer lint and fabric softeners with flint and steel.
Dryer Lint Fire Starter
Your dryer needs cleaning after every cycle just to be safe and be energy efficient. So, save the dryer lint and let's make a fire starter from it.
First, take some dryer lint and roll it into a ball. Take your flint and steel and hold it up to the dryer lint and strike.
It should only take one strike. Using matches or a lighter will work too.
The dryer lint burns up really fast, so you must build on to your fire quickly. Dipping your dryer lint in Vaseline will make it burn longer.
What Is Dryer Lint? These are visible material from textile or clothing fibers collected in the lint screen of a dryer.
RELATED: Flint and Tinder | Fire Making Basics For Everyday Survivalists Like You
Fabric Softener
Take a piece of fabric softener that has been used and dried out, and place it in your desired burning location. Next, roll the softener into a ball, that way it burns longer.
Take flint and steel and hold it up to the fabric softener and strike. It may take more than one strike to light.
Using matches or a lighter will work too.
Fabric softener takes a fair amount of time to burn, so building on your fire should be easier.
Place flammable tender such as dry leaves or plants to build the fire up. Then use thin twigs and build your way up to build up that fire.
Watch this video from Learn to Grow for a DIY fire starter from dryer lint, egg carton, and wax:
Now you know how to make a fire starter from dryer lint, you will start saving that material you're collecting from the dryer for survival purposes.
Take this fire-starting idea and make some dryer lint fire starters to save a few bucks, and add a survival trick up your sleeves.
Will you make a homemade fire starter from dryer lint? Or, do you have homemade fire starters now? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!
Up Next:
- How To Start A Fire With Char Cloth | Survival Basics
- 3 Easy Ways To Make Homemade Waterproof Matches
- How To Choose The Best Firewood For A Perfect Campfire
If you’re looking for useful survival gear that you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!
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***Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.***
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 12, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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June 11, 2018 at 8:55 AM
Take ur dryer lint or cotton balls and put them in 1 cup from a paper eeg carten , wrap with floss to hold in place then dip it in some melted paraffin wax and it will burn for a good 20 min.
April 25, 2019 at 11:33 AM
One thing to point out is that dryer lint from natural fibers (cotton, wool, linen, etc.) work very well. Lint from synthetic fabrics doesn’t work nearly as well. Read a comment on another blog were one of the posters was complaining that his/her dryer lint only smoldered, and stank. That was synthetic lint. Just a FWIT.
Dale Dorsett
April 29, 2019 at 1:37 AM
For more longevity of the kindling moisten the lint or dryer sheet or cotton ball with vaseline and store it away until used in a sealed pill container or other sealed container, the vaseline ignites easily, and hotter and longer and is water resistant