
9 Disaster Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners



Disaster Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners | Feature

If you are a pet owner, you would be well advised to include your pets in your disaster preparedness plans.

Our pets are a part of our family, and including them in your plans will help ensure your, your family's and your pets' survival.

When SHTF, Don't Leave Your Pets Behind

Having the right supplies and equipment is a must. It's a good idea to have a separate first aid kit for your pet having a separate first aid kit for our pets. You’ll never know when it might come in handy in an emergency situation.

Other than the obvious signs that a pet owner may notice under normal circumstances, one should be extra sensitive in the needs of their pets during disaster situations. Here are 10 ways you can help you pet be prepared for a disaster.


1. Essential First Aid Kit For Your Pet

pet first aid

  • A hot water bottle (treatment for hypothermia and shock)
  • Instant Cold Pack lower body temp for hypothermic pets
  • A digital thermometer (Pet’s body temp is higher than 102.5 degrees -possible infection. If lower than 100.5 degrees could be a sign of shock)

Click here for the full list.

2. Give Your Pet An Updated Personal ID On Their Collars

pet ID tag

Place basic information like your cellphone number, your closest friend's number and a relative that resides in the outskirts of your immediate area in the event that evacuation is inevitable. Giving your pets a microchip implant boosts your chances of getting back you pet if they get lost. Make sure that you are able to present your updated registration for proof of ownership.

3. Plan Ahead And Determine Evacuation Sites

dogs in kennel

Making future arrangements with boarding kennels, facilities, local animal shelters or foster care for pets will ensure a safe place for your pet should you need to evacuate. Sometimes, it won’t hurt to ask relatives and friends outside your immediate area if they would want to care for your pet in disaster situations.

4. Place A Rescue Sticker To Alert Emergency Workers

A rescue sticker strategically placed in a highly visible spot will enable rescue workers to determine how many pets are present in your home. This sticker, as recommended by the ASPCA, contains details such as the number of pets and types and your veterinarian’s number.

5. Prepare Much Needed Supplies For Your Pets

dog food bowl

  • Each pet should have at least 2 weeks supply of food and water stored in cans or airtight containers. This is to ensure freshness and to keep it from getting wet.
  • A 2 weeks supply of medicine, and in case of the need for refills you should also have the contact details of the pharmacy. Don’t forget the treats used to reward your pet after taking their medication.
  • A can opener
  • Food and Water bowls
  • Cleaning agents containing bleach, paper towels, plastic trash bags used to clean-up their waste should they relieve themselves accidentally.

Click here for the full list.

6. Be Well-Informed About Disaster-Related Diseases That Can Be Transmitted To Humans

disaster related diseases in dogs


Diseases such as leptospirosis, Lyme disease, West Nile and ringworm can all be transferred from pets to humans. Educate yourself on these diseases, their symptoms, and how to prevent them. Learn more here.

7. Make Accomodations for Your Larger Animals

disaster preparedness for larger animals

Ensure that each animal has the appropriate transportation with designated/trained drivers as well as experienced trainers. Make sure that their destination point has enough supplies, the right handling equipment and veterinary care.

8. Always Anticipate For A Worst Case Scenario

cat hiding

In the event that a disaster strikes in your absence and you are unable to head home, talking to your neighbors and friends to look out for your pets can be a lifesaver. You can agree to do the same for them should you switch sides. This would mean either of you should have direct access to each other’s property. Knowing where to locate your pets is equally important once inside.

9. Do It Now, Never Delay


Being prepared and knowing exactly what to do when disaster strikes is vital. Make sure that you involve your pets as you familiarize yourself with your disaster plan. Giving them treats will make it a delightful experience for your pets which may be helpful in stressful situations.

No one knows exactly when or how bad a disaster will turn out, regardless of location. That is why preparing for the worst is essential for the survival of both you, your family and your beloved pets.

What do you do to make sure your pets are prepared? Let us know in the comments!

9 Disaster Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners

Want to take your pet preps to the next level? Check out this Paracord Dog Collar Tutorial from our friends at DIY Ready.





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