Survival Skills

Cyber Attacks | Survival Life’s ‘How To’ Tips



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The current technology available to people today made the volume of cyber attacks increase, that's why we need to be extra vigilant and responsible whenever we access the web.

Cyber Attacks: Living Through Digital Life's Threats

Getting hacked by a cyber attacker is something nobody wants. Stolen information and security breaches on your bank account are real threats that can be avoided. If it does happen are you capable of recovering from it? Here are a few tips that can help you keep cyber hacks at bay and keeping your digital life intact.


1. Start Investing In Security and Protection Measures

You can either get those free trial programs online or invest in a more elaborate security program that will protect your passwords and all your data. This may cost you but it is well worth the investment compared to losing all your personal data. Not to mention your money.



2. Be Proactive

The best solution is not to give a cyber attacker any loopholes in your system. Here are a few tips you should follow:

  • Install or beef up on antivirus and malware on your computer.
  • Avoid unauthorized and inappropriate use of your computer system.
  • Ensure you have a uniquely strong password.
  • Avoid using the same password for different applications.
  • A two-factor authentication logging process will ask you to enter a code using your smartphone other than the website to confirm your identity.
  • Be wary when installing apps by reading the permissions it asks for access information.
  • Double check the app publisher prior to installing an app.
  • Don’t clink or open attachments and links on emails.
  • Never give away personal info via email or phone unless you’re absolutely certain.
  • Avoid using untrustworthy thumb and hard drives.


3. Backup Personal Files

Keep a copy of all vital files on your hard drive and cloud. This way you will still have a backup copy should it be damaged or hacked.

Survival Tips for Cyber Attacks

4. Put Someone In Charge

This is for company-based computer systems. He or she will be in charge of deterring and quickly containing cyber attacks to reduce reputational and financial damage.


5. Develop An Incident Response Plan

Identify possible scenarios wherein a cyber attack could and may occur. After which, you should make a written checklist for each scenario for a shorter and more accurate response time.


6. Be On The Alert

Identify, understand and determine the scope of intrusion. If you can identify the attacker the better your chances of preventing such an attack from happening again and making them liable for their actions. You can then perform the following actions:

  • Preserving evidence.
  • Securing your computer network.
  • Investigating the cause or point of entry.
  • Recovery and follow-up.
  • Identify vulnerabilities and implement appropriate improvements.


7. Public Announcement And Relations

At this point, any possible damage has already been done to a certain number of people and companies. Come up with a desirable announcement as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience it has caused. Bring back their confidence and loyalty by addressing any concerns.


8. Reporting To Law Enforcement

Any cyber attack, no matter what the depth of the attack may be, should be reported to the proper authorities. It's vital we make the hacker liable for his actions to prevent any future attacks. There are government agencies that hold jurisdiction for cyber crimes.


Watch this video by lsit2it on 25 of the biggest cyber attacks in history: 

There are various ways a cyber attacker can perform its attacks on different social and internet sites. The best solution is prevention. Once damage has been done, you may or may not be able to recuperate from the damages done. Be responsible whenever you access the web.

Cyber Attacks | Survival Life's 'How To' Tips

Do you have any other tips for battling cyber attacks? Please add them in the comments below!

You may also want to read on how the ISIS is trying to hack the US power grid!

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