Do It Yourself

10 Common Household Items For Your First Aid Kit?



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There is no doubt about it,  a fully stocked and well supplied first aid kit is a must-have. Unfortunately, disaster can strike at any time…and this means that you could be left stranded, away from your own home and all of your preps. What do you do when you or a loved one has an injury in need of aid, you don't have a first aid kit, and even worse… you don't have time to waste? Check out this article below, originally published on TheApartmentPrepper's blog, to see 10 common household items with uncommon first aid uses:In case of an injury, you should have a well-stocked first aid kit.But in case you or someone you know gets hurt without a first aid kit nearby, it’s good to know there are a few household items that can be used in an emergency.

First Aid Kit Essentials

1. Sanitary Napkins and Tampons

Common Household Items For Your First Aid Kit? | Sanitary Napkins|Tampons

The individually wrapped sanitary napkins and tampons are actually good to keep in a first aid kit. They can be used as a makeshift bandage for wounds.

2. Elmer’s Glue or Shoe Goo

Common Household Items For Your First Aid Kit? | Elmer's Glue or Shoo Glue

These types of glues can be used to remove a sliver. Place a drop over the sliver and let it dry. Once it is dry, pry it off and the sliver should come off with it.


3. Super Glue

For a minor wound, super glue can be used to seal a cut. Clean the wound and spread a thin layer of super glue on the cut, being careful NOT to get any glue inside the wound. It can cause some skin irritation. (Note: The glue manufacturers do not recommend this use for their product, as there are medical versions available. But we’re talking about when there is nothing else around and no medical help is available. Do your own research and use your best judgment)

4. Duct Tape

Common Household Items For Your First Aid Kit? | Duct Tape

Duct tape can be used to care for blisters: cover the blister with gauze, then cover it with duct tape. Don’t let the duct tape touch the blister, just the gauze. You can also wrap duct tape around a sprained ankle to give it some support. If you have a cut and no adhesive bandages, use duct tape over a clean gauze (or use that sanitary napkin or tampon) to secure it in place. Just don’t place the duct tape directly over the wound.

5. Non-sudsing ammonia

A half water, half ammonia mixture can be used to relieve insect bites

6. Liquid Dish Soap

Common Household Items For Your First Aid Kit? | Liquid Dish Soap

with some water, use to clean cuts. Or freeze dish soap in a ziplock bag and use it as an ice pack.

7. Credit Card, Driver’s License or Other Hard Plastic Cards

Common Household Items For Your First Aid Kit? | Credit Cards

You can use a card to remove a bee’s stinger: Scrape across the skin towards the tip of the stinger; this way it comes out the way it came in. Rinse with water.

Want to know what the last 3 common household items for your first aid kit are?

Check out the full article on 


What is in your first aid kit?

Want more tips? Check out these great articles on our site:

First Aid Kit List

What to Include in a Home First Aid Kit

First Aid for Survival | Uncommon Items for your First Aid Kit

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  1. JR

    April 26, 2014 at 10:55 AM

    I try to keep a bandana or two handy as well as some extra 550 cord, specifically for my FA kits. Both are probably the most handy items I’ve ever carried, not mention fairly inexpensive.
    Electrical tape is another good item to have around. Especially given that a multi-pack of colors is also fairly inexpensive. Makes for color-coding if you are given to group outings.

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