5 Easy Ways to Find Water Sources

Water– the number one necessity to our survival. We can go long periods with little to no nutrition but hydration is key for keeping our bodies and minds functioning properly. However, bacteria-ridden water is worse than no water at all. So here you are, in a desolate environment with zero running water. You need it. So, where do you look for it? Survival Life has gathered the 5 top ways to find water sources. We recommend that unless you are sure it is fresh, you should at least distill it through the basic boiling method. Here is Survival Life’s water finding “PRIDD” system.
The “PRIDD” System”
You may have to do some searching but look for puddles in various areas and crevices of nature. Where you see a lot of green, there is hope. If you are mountainside, you may luck out and find a natural spring. Keep in mind, if you find puddle water and are not sure how long it has been sitting for, you will need to purify it as it can be contaminated.
This the best source of water that can you can get when stuck somewhere remote. Gather as many containers that you can with whatever gear you have or create a makeshift collection system with anything you can hollow out with a knife. If you have a tarp, set it up on an angle to collect the rainwater. Allow it pour down into the containers for more effective collecting. No tarp? Look for large leaves or even smooth pieces of bark that can be rigged to the containers. Having some sort of catch system will help you collect more water, much quicker than relying on single raindrops alone.
In normal circumstances, you might find yourself avoiding bees at all costs but when in the wild, they are a good sign that water is near. Bees do not travel more than a few miles from their hive so if you spot bees, water is within that distance. Mosquitoes, flies, and ants are also great indicators that water is nearby. Follow the insects.
Digging a deep hole into wet sand or soil will eventually lead to water. Water sinks slowly when absorbed into the sand and dirt. Keep digging and water will begin to rise from the bottom of the hole you are creating.
This is a morning job. When you wake in the morning, grab a cloth and collect all of the morning moisture from grass, plants, and flowers by running the cloth over it. You will need to wring the dew out into something to utilize the water.
In conclusion
Whenever it doubt, boil the water. Boiling does not remove chemicals from water so don’t mess with shiny or dark-colored residue sitting on top of any water. This could make you very sick. Other water sources might be just fine but it’s always better safe than sorry when relying on the water in unknown territory. Boiling water is safe and easy if you have a kettle of some sort and the ability to start a fire. Once the water begins to boil, let it boil for an additional 1-3 minutes. If you are in a high altitude, it is recommended you boil your water longer than if you were at a low altitude. Cover the water and let it cool before drinking. If water is pretty scarce, small sips are best versus drinking it all at once.
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