Survival Tip of The Day

How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables



Feature | How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables

Look, there are hundreds of way to start a fire: with matches, a magnifying glass, a water bottle, and our trusty Everstryke are just a few options. But when sh*t happens, it's good to know all the ways to start a fire with what you have. One way to start a fire, which may seem absurd at first, is with your car and the help of some jumper cables. If you have no other way to start a fire, this is a perfect solution in the case of an emergency. I mean, getting stranded far from help without any tools happens, so it's good to be prepared with alternative methods of survival.

If you're wondering how you can start a fire with your jumper cables, check out the tutorial below from YouTuber Junkyard Fox.

How To Start A Fire With Jumper Cables

What You Need:

  • car
  • jumper cables
  • tinder, kindling and logs/large branches
  • gasoline (optional)
  • char-cloth (optional)


Step 1: Collect tinder.

Collect Tinder | How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables

Depending on where you are (dessert, beach, etc), finding tinder might be easy or a little more difficult. If you're having a hard time, you can use the trash in your car.

Step 2: Gather kindling and logs/branches/etc.

Gather kindling and logs/branches/etc | How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables


While tinder will help start your fire, you'll need to maintain it with kindling and larger pieces of wood. Again, this will vary in difficulty depending on where you are. Either way, collect all types of branches/logs and bring them back to your car.

Step 3: Form tinder bundle.

Form Tinder Bundle | How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables

Lay a couple of sticks on the floor and top it with the bundle of tinder. It's also recommended that you add gasoline or char-cloth to the kindle. While char-cloth might not be in your car, if you've got a canister of gasoline, all you need is a tiny bit to soak a few sticks and then throw them in the bundle.

Step 4: Create spark with jumper cables.

Create Spark With Jumper Cables | How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables

With one end connected to your car battery, carefully touch the loose black and red ends of the cable right over the tinder.

You'll have to do it a few times to get a spark big enough to start a fire.

Step 5: Maintain fire with kindling.

Maintain Fire With Kindling | How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables

As soon as the sparks ignite a fire in the tinder, carefully add the kindling over it. Depending on what else you have, carefully place it on and around the fire to continue it. If tinder is all you have, your fire will go out quickly, so it's important you have adequate supplies.

How To Make A Fire With Jumper Cables

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