
11 Shade Loving Plants For Your Survival Garden



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Most of you, by now, have planted your survival garden. You are now counting down the days until you can harvest these vegetables that you have been caring for all season long. Some of you, however, may have left the partially shaded areas of the garden empty thinking that your vegetables may not have successful growth in those areas.

The truth is, there are vegetables that can and will grow in these partially shaded areas. All plants, however, do require some sunlight throughout the day so be sure that these shaded areas also receive a little sunlight as well.

I’m going to share with you a list of vegetables that can have total success in these shaded areas. Your garden will be complete and you will have more vegetables to harvest at the end of the season. Sound good to you? Great! Let’s get started!

11 Shade Loving Plants & Vegetables For Your At Home Garden

Because it is later in the gardening season, in my opinion, I suggest planting vegetables that are already established such as a decent sized starter plant, for example.


1. Beets

Beets are extremely easy to grow and are quite hardy! They require about 4 hours of sunlight a day, preferably in the afternoon.

Survival Gardening: 11 Vegetables For Partially Shaded Areas

2. Asparagus

This delicious vegetable takes it’s time in the growing process. In fact, it can take 2-3 years for it to produce any asparagus. Planting a well established asparagus plant is key if you want to harvest this plant sooner, rather than later. The asparagus plant is well worth the wait!

This vegetable can be grown in partially shaded areas but, does require about 6-8 hours of sunlight a day.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is the perfect shade loving plant for your garden. It thrives in cooler temperatures so, naturally, it does quite well in the shade. Broccoli needs only about  4 hours of sun a day, preferably in the afternoon.

4. Summer Squash

Summer squash is another vegetable that loves shaded areas and is easy to grow. They do, however, require about 3-4 hours of sunlight a day.

5. Brussel Sprouts

This tasty little cruciferous vegetable can also be grown in partially shaded areas. They only require about 5 hours of sun a day, preferably in the afternoon. (be sure to try them roasted!)

Survival Gardening: 11 Vegetables For Partially Shaded Areas

6. Spinach

This nutritious plant loves partial shade. In fact, the shade helps the plant from bolting. Spinach requires about 3-4 hours of sun a day, preferably in the afternoon.

7. Cauliflower

Cauliflower plants love the shade and cooler temperatures and would make a perfect addition to those partially shaded areas of your garden. This vegetable requires about 3-4 hours of sun a day, preferably in the afternoon.


8. Radishes

This fast growing root vegetable does well in partial shade. They only require about 4 hours of sun a day, preferably in the afternoon.

Survival Gardening: 11 Vegetables For Partially Shaded Areas

9. Celery

This plant loves cooler temperatures so, in my opinion, would do quite well in the shaded areas of your garden. Celery only requires about 3 hours of sunlight a day, preferably in the afternoon.

10. Potatoes

Since this vegetable is grown underground, it would make a good candidate for those partially shady spots. Even though potatoes grow underneath the soil, they still need sunlight to be nice and healthy. I would say about 5-6 hours of sunlight a day would be perfect.

11. Kale

Like spinach, kale is also a shade loving plant. Also like spinach, the shade helps the plant from bolting. Kale requires about 3-4 hours of sun a day, preferably in the afternoon.

Shade Loving Plants | 11 Shade Loving Plants For Your Survival Garden

Do you have success growing vegetables in the shaded areas of your garden? Do you have any other suggestions for shade loving plants that should be kept in your garden? Share your success with us in the comments below.

Check out my previous articles on survival gardening. Happy gardening everyone!

How To Grow The Perfect Peppers: Survival Gardening

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  1. emmer97006

    July 2, 2017 at 9:29 AM

    some snap beans (aka green beans) do well in half shade. all need less than the 8 hours or more that constitutes a sunny garden. look for withner’s white cornfield (green) beans. they have exceptionally large leaves as an adaptation for growing in the part shade of cornstalks. tasty, too. in addition, peas, both traditional shelling peas and the higher producing sugar snap and snow peas. these, like snap beans, are available in bush and climbing forms. climbers produce more. beans and peas, as legumes can add nitrogen to the soil, benefiting next year’s plants.

  2. shadow44

    July 3, 2017 at 11:56 PM

    They still need some sun.

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  5. Pingback: Prep Blog Review: This Is How To Power Up Your Garden - Survival Blog

  6. Pingback: 11 Shade Loving Plants For Your Survival Garden – kreative gartenideen

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