Evacuation Planning

A Pet Emergency Checklist



Happy young golden retriever dog | A Pet Emergency Checklist | Featured

Do you have a pet emergency checklist for your pets? Here is a detailed overview of what a pet emergency checklist should contain.

Hopefully, you will have an idea of what you need to increase the survival chances of your pet during a crisis.

RELATED: Easy to Assemble Emergency Shelters

Everything You Need for a Pet Emergency Checklist

Click here to jump to the infographic.


1. Pet Food

Dog and cat eating dry food in bowls Pet emergency SS

Just like human beings, stocking up on cat or pet food, in general, is a vital part of being disaster-ready. Therefore, stockpile at least five days' worth of food per pet. It can be both dry and canned foods.

Tip: Remember to pack a can opener for the canned food you will be having

2. Bottled Water

Summer day with dog in nature Pet emergency SS

People normally store up at least one gallon per person for a day, but your pet will not need that much. Like food, store up a few gallons per pet for at least five days. Moreover, stockpile a few extra gallons should your pet be exposed to flood water or chemical and needs rinsing.

3. Pet Carrier

Woman transporting her cats in a special plastic cage Pet emergency SS

A pet carrier will ensure that you transport your pets safely and stops them from escaping, which leads to separations. Whether you are carrying a cat or a dog, ensure that the carrier is large enough for your pet to stand, turn around lie down comfortably. This is because they may have to stay in it for long hours at a time.

Tip: Check the inside of the carriers to ensure that there is nothing that can be easily dislodged or cause injury if your pets like to chew things.

4. Cat Litter and Paper Towels for Clean-Ups

Cat using toilet cat in litter box Pet emergency SS

Stockpiling on cat litter and paper towels allows you to maintain a healthy and clean environment for your cats and even puppies. Stock up on your pet's favorite litter and some paper towels to clean up after your pets' waste.


Tip: Having a litter scoop also makes waste clean a lot easier.

5. Disposable Litter Box

Cat litter box in a dutch house Pet emergency SS

If an emergency leads to a hasty evacuation, you need a cat litter box for your cat and other pets to take care of their business. And a disposable one will come in handy in any disaster situation, especially if you are moving around a lot.

6. Disposable Garbage Bags to Scoop Messes

Dispose dog waste in a trash can Pet emergency SS

Disaster can lead to stress even to the best of us, and pets are no different. It leads to a change in behavior, especially in animals when in unfamiliar environments.

Therefore, having disposable garbage bags to scoop and dispose of your pet's waste conveniently will come in handy, especially in the outdoors.

RELATED: 37 Survival Foods to Stock For Any Disaster

7. Medical Records and Rabies Tags

Blank veterinarian prescription Pet emergency SS

Stash all medical records, including vaccination and prescription documentation, in a waterproof container. It makes them readily available for you should you need them in the course of the disaster while keeping them safe at the same time.


  • It also helps to add a rabies tag to your pet's collar to make it more visible
  • A first aid book is also a great addition to your medical records stash

8. Extra Collar and Harness

Woman is wearing a dog collar with an identifier Pet emergency SS

Besides allowing for a smoother movement with your pets at all times, a collar provides a visible spot for you to display an identification tag or chip. This guarantees easier identification should you get separated during a disaster. Having several of these, therefore, in your emergency stockpile will be helpful.

Tip: It will be even better if each collar had an identification chip or tag.

9. Flashlight

Four tactical lights on a wood background Pet emergency SS

A flashlight is a universal component in any emergency preparedness checklist. While your pets will not need the flashlight, it will help you locate them should they wander off. A battery-powered flashlight is the most practical option for disaster preparedness.

Tip: Remember to stock up on AA batteries with a long shelf life like Duracell

10. Blanket or Bed for Warmth and Comfort

A Corgi dog is lying in its bed at home Pet emergency SS

Maintaining a sense of normalcy is a priority during a disaster, and animals are not any different. Having some blankets and or a cat bed in your pet's bug-out bag is as close as you can get your pet to normalcy during a crisis.


  • Having several pairs of your dog's or cat's favorite blanket will go a long way in comforting your pet
  • A pet bed will break the monotony of staying in a carrier and allow your pet to stretch out a bit

11. A Photo of Your Pet in Case You Are Separated

Beautiful asian woman taking dogs photo in the park Pet emergency SS

Separation with your pet, especially during a crisis, is every pet owner's nightmare. Therefore, you can never be too prepared with the most recent photos of your pet.

It makes the search easier as photos and posters will have a more positive impact. It also helps confirm that you are the pet's owner after your reunite.

12. Toys

Mini Golden Doodle hypoallergenic breed Pet emergency SS

On the same point of maintaining normalcy, packing several toys helps foster a feeling of comfort. It goes a long way in ensuring that your pet does not get stressed.

Pro Tips

  • Also, have a written record of your pet's behavior, feeding schedules, routine, and prescriptions if you have to board your pets or put them in foster care.
  • What's more, having collapsible water and food bowls allows you to feed and water your pet in a clean and hygienic place.
  • Similarly, a pet first aid kit is vital should your pet get injured.
  • Nail clippers will help your keep your pet's nail tip short as some pets like cats can easily scratch when stressed.
  • It will also help to know safe places to take your pets as most hotels do not allow animals.
Here’s an infographic guide. Don’t forget to download, save, or share this handy infographic for reference:


There you have it, preppers. Your pet needs as much disaster preparedness planning as you would do for yourself to increase the chances of survival. As you would do for yourself, stockpile over time, but you can also go all-in on it if your finances allow. All in all, animals do not need as much as we do, and therefore your finances will still be intact at the end of stocking up.

Watch this video by U.S. Food and Drug Administration on pet emergency preparedness kit: don’t fail to plan: 

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What more would you consider adding to this list? Let us know in the comment section below! 

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