Survival Gear
Best Survival Guns
As a gun enthusiast, it's my dream to make a list of the best survival guns. From AK-47s, AR-15s, M-16's, HK-91's, to M1As, all have their unique features that fit every gun guy's taste. So what do I think are the best guns to add to your arsenal? Check this out.
5 Best Survival Guns | Ranking the Best
Long Guns
1. Shotgun
The first weapon I always recommend is a good shotgun. With the wide range of loads available the shotgun is probably the most versatile hunting weapon and defensive ever devised. With a good shotgun, you can hunt pigeons, squirrels, rabbits, turkeys, deer and wild boar. You can also take opossums, raccoons, fox, and coyotes that may threaten your livestock. It is also effective against crows, gophers and all manner of critters that might get into your garden or orchard. Finally, the shotgun is an incredibly formidable home defense weapon.
Shotguns come in several forms, but for my money, the pump action is by far the best choice. Pump guns are rugged and reliable, simple to operate, got overpowered ammunition, and easy to learn and teach. There is nothing wrong with any of the other types. Semi-autos, single shots, and double barrels are all fantastic weapons in their own right but the pump gun is the whole package where shotguns are concerned. I like the Mossberg 500 series, and have had good luck with its slightly less expensive cousin the Maverick 88. The Remington 870 is another time-honored choice in this realm. I prefer the 12 gauge models, but am not opposed to T20 gauge for smaller shooters.
One of the things that I like most about a lot of the pump guns is that it is very easy to change barrels. In order to make the most of your pump action shotgun you should have at least two barrels for it. The first one should be a field barrel, preferably with multiple choke tubes for different tasks and conditions. This one is your hunting and varmint control barrel. For this purpose, I use a 28-inch ventilated rib barrel with an “accuchoke” system. Your second barrel should be a shorter, more tactical barrel in the 18-20 inch range.
This one is for home defense purposes; it is quicker handling in tight quarters and gives a wider shot spread at short ranges. This configuration gives you two guns for the price of one. You can pick up specialty barrels for things like turkey hunting, and even rifled barrels to optimize shooting with slugs. The pump action shotgun is truly a workhorse, and if I could have only one long gun it would probably be my first choice.
2. Rimfire Rifle
The .22 caliber rifle is another great workhorse. For starters, the ammo is very compact so you can carry or store an awful lot of it in a very small space. Things have been a little weird where .22 ammo is concerned lately, but under normal circumstances, it is cheap and abundant.
A good .22 will put rabbits and squirrels in the pot, will take out moles in the garden, is more than enough for most chicken coup raiders, and is a great learning and practice tool for shooters of all skill levels. It is also an underestimated defensive round, and will put down attackers quite well with a good shot placement which you will be able to master with all the practice you are going to do! Training and practice are the keys to most things, and for this reason, if you are new to shooting a good .22 might be your best choice for a first gun.
You can choose your platform on this one. One of my favorite .22 rifles is the Marlin Glenfield bolt gun I got back in 1980-something when I was 11. This gun has served me well for more than 3 decades and shows no signs of giving out. Aside from this one, I like Ruger 10/22s. I know this sounds like a broken record time, but this little .22 semi-auto is DA BOMB! If I could disagree with other gun writers I would but I can't on this one. The 10/22 is a tough, reliable little rifle with a lot of accessories and upgrades available. It is also fairly affordable and in my estimation, this choice would not ever be a disappointment and will always come in handy during a survival situation.
3. Centerfire Rifle
The next long gun you should look into is a good centerfire rifle in a caliber capable of taking the largest game in your area. You will have to make your choice based on a number of factors. First, what game will you be hunting? Next, are there any regional or local favorite calibers, assuring the availability of ammunition? And then a range of personal preference and budget considerations. Generally speaking, the .308 and the 30-06 are very good choices.
Both will put down anything that occurs naturally on the North American continent. The .308 has the advantage of being a current NATO round, which makes surplus ammo available and assures that in a true meltdown there will likely be ammo around. Other calibers, however, will do the job as well.
There are so many good rifles out there that it is hard to pick one to recommend. One of my current favorites in the bolt gun category is the Ruger American, which is tough, reliable, fairly economical, and chambered in a number of excellent calibers. If you lean towards semis and have a bigger budget, I highly recommend the M1A. I know a lot of hunters will tell you it is bulky and heavy, but these are a couple features that add to this rifle. The thing is a rock and can pour out a large volume of very accurate fire from its 20-round magazine, and remains an excellent battle rifle as well as a good deer rifle. The M1A was the last of the “Rifleman's Rifles,” bridging the gap between the Garand and the “Black Guns” of today.
One more suggestion for your consideration is the Mosin Nagant. We have a couple of these in my house and they are a fabulous rifle. They are as tough and reliable as you can get. They are accurate, they have plenty of knock down power, ammo is cheap, and so are the rifles themselves. The Nagant rifles are easily modernized and sporterized, and make a great addition to your gun safe.
Your centerfire rifle will do double duty as your long-range defensive weapon. To misquote the infamous Gabe Suarez, rifles are good for projecting your will across a distance while pistols are ideal for controlling your immediate surroundings in unforeseen or only vaguely foreseen situations. More clearly stated, rifles are deliberate, pistols are spur-of-the-moment. Which brings us to handguns.
4. Defensive Handgun
This is a very broad range of weapons. What you want in a defensive handgun is something powerful enough to put down an attacker with the first hit, is comfortable to carry all day, is comfortable for you to shoot under any circumstances, and is reliable to a T. There are a lot of weapons that fit the bill.
In semi-automatics, the most popular calibers are the 9mm, the .40 S&W, and the .45 ACP. All are good choices. I prefer the 9mm for its larger magazine capacity. I tend to carry a full-size pistol at all times, whether open or concealed, and my weapon of choice is a Taurus PT92 or an M9. Why? It is what I like and it will always get the job done. Is it the only choice? NO. A lot of personal preference will go into your choice!
Revolvers are another option, and again there are too many good choices to cover here. My recommendation is for something in a .357 magnum with a four-inch barrel. Revolvers are a good choice for inexperienced shooters since they are a rather intuitive weapon to operate. They are also very reliable and do not require the buying of spare magazines. If you live in Grizzly Bear country, you might want to move up to a .44 magnum.
Your handgun, whatever you choose, should be your constant companion. This is the weapon that you can have at your side when a rifle or shotgun is impractical. Handguns are easily your best bet in a survival situation.
5. Pistol
It may surprise you to know that the .22 pistol is my top choice for survival handgun. I like them because they can provide a lot of small game for food, are useful for personal defense in a pinch, are great for getting varmints out of the garden, coup or orchard, and because you can carry a whole lot of ammo. The .22 pistol is also great for cheap shooting practice. On our homestead, I am as likely to have a .22 pistol on me at any given time as anything else. This is especially true during the gardening season when there is a lot of work that keeps my hands too busy for a rifle, but a lot of critters trying to get at the food I am growing. So why opt for a pellet gun when you can have this beast instead?
Here, again, you will be forced to make decisions. Good .22 pistols come in both the semi-automatic and the revolver format. My two favorite .22 pistols are an old target model Ruger Mark 1, and an almost as old Taurus revolver. Both have 5 ½ inch barrels and target sights, and both are deadly on small game at surprising ranges. I recommend that accuracy be a primary consideration in your .22 handgun, target barrels and good sites are a must. Other than that, personal choice!
Sure, long rifle, semi-automatic rifles have their own uses but in terms of versatility, nothing beats the pistol. Once you have this assortment of weapons and have become proficient with them you can start looking for the more exotic types. But, the truth of the matter is that the small collection I have listed will more than likely be more than enough to see you through all but the direst survival situation.
Craving for guns suited for survival situations? Check out this video by Iraqveteran8888:
With all the powerful and elegant guns out there, I think these bad boys are the most efficient and effective in any given situation. With more practice, you should obtain the proper skills to handle these guns with incredible proficiency. Just a reminder though, these weapons are designed to protect and must always be used with utmost caution.
Like what you saw in this post? Find most of the firearms mentioned in this article at Cabela's or Brownells!
Up Next: Best Survival Weapons: Bows or Guns?
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in July 2014 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
*This article was written by Jack Graff and shared with permission*
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Nathan Hohlt
July 21, 2014 at 7:02 AM
Your gun choices are nearly identical to my main setup. I have a 700 and an M1A for my Centerfires. My defensive handguns are my trusty Ruger SR45, SR9, and a Gen. 4 Glock 31 (357 SIG). Other than that, I have nearly the exact same choices. Great article.
tim mcphillips
July 21, 2014 at 9:49 AM
I have to disagree on the first choice for your first prepper weapon. my first choice would be a 12 ga. shotgun with a folding stock. you can hunt with it, defend you and your home with it, and the variety of ammo lets it do several jobs. the folding stock lets you use it indoors if need be and there are even adapters for adding a bayonette. in your .22 assessment I would opt for a .22 magnum it will do everything a .22lr will do and then some. some of the higher velocity .22lr is good like the cci mini mag and the aguila super maximum hyper velocity they both do a really good job but beware the low velocity rounds that are only good for plinking.
July 21, 2014 at 11:01 AM
CCI Stinger & MIni Mag are both good & consistently accurate. That cannot be said for the Aguila, the bullet is too light for the velocity & is not consistently accurate as the CCI
July 21, 2014 at 4:22 PM
For cost and availability forget the 22mag. Plus it’s heavier and takes up more area. I can grab a handful of 22lr and shove them in my pocket and have 50 rounds. Not everyone is going to have 22mag. Everyone will have 22lr. That makes it more accessible in a bug out situation. The same with 9mm/.45/.38./.357/.40 maybe/.223-5.56/30.06 and 12 guage. Most people can’t afford to buy the exact gun they want so buy a gun by the caliber instead, at least you have something to shoot and able to share ammo. You go off on uncommon or rare calibers you’ll be using that firearm like a rock. That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
July 21, 2014 at 9:59 AM
What about a .17 air rifle as a survival gun???
July 21, 2014 at 10:11 AM
I think you nailed this topic much better thsn most. A ubercool-badass-special operations acquaintance one said…”I can kill you dead with a .22 through 50bmg..its all about shot placement.”
Finding a weapons platform the the user can shoot reliably and afford to train with is a paramount point. If you cn shoot regularly with these tools, well then they are not going to be of any value when needed.
I personally go with the AR platform simply because it covers the gamut of calibers.. I use a .22 AR for fundamentals training, have a few in 5.56 and one in .308. The function and operations are the same for all calibers and that keeps things simple which we all know is the first rule of survival.
July 21, 2014 at 10:34 AM
MKA 1919XN 12ga semi-auto with numerous magazines with different loads, Mini-14, scoped, again with magazines with various loads, including sub-sonic, Lee Enfield M4 no1, HiPoint 9mm, Taurus .38 special.
July 21, 2014 at 10:38 AM
I could not believe a photo of the UTAS (Turkish for “Goat ***t”) was anywhere near an article for ‘top guns.’ I hit play and anticipated a total BS puff piece. Your credibility is solidly intact. Dumpster/recycle material only. This gun is a joke. It has never worked, and the manufacturer could care less. One cannot imagine a time after 1985 when a pump shot gun did not work every single time to the point of boredom.
July 21, 2014 at 10:40 AM
While any firearm is better than none, and there is always one better for a specific application, and everybody has a ‘pet’ favorite that they think is the ‘best choice’, the reality has to take priority if you really want optimal survival choices
The best general overall choice has always been, and still is, the AR-15 carbine platform. Period.
Don’t make a fatal mistake thinking otherwise.
Pete in Alaska
July 21, 2014 at 11:17 AM
Can’t fault a single bit of the logic here! Great write up, concise with a well rounded group of choices. I would like to add several faveroits to you list.
— the 870 and 500 platforms in 12 ga are solid foundation firearms. If one is interested in upgrading either of these to something more compact with improved balance and handling, yup, we’re talking about a Bullpup, then I’d suggest you take a look at a “US Made” company called Bullpup Unlimited. These stock kits are tough, well made, and take your 870 or 500 and make it shorter than most AR’s while improving balance, center of balance and preformance at a low cost . Worth a look, very pleased with mine!
— .308 / M1A, one of the best caliber/platform match ups ever! Although I have several varients of this platform that are more about the collectibllity of this piece of history, as a working semi-auto .30 call platform I field the Springfield SOCOM 16. topped with a 5.5×50 (red chevron) ACOG.
— Rimfire platforms are a cornor stone to the survivalist foundation of being able to make it from one day to the next. Personally I would place them in the #1 an #2 spots in a list of weapons that should be considered critical. The Ruger 10/22 is also my first choice and in any of its verious models found today list not the only one by any means but its solid, reliable, easly modified, an out of the box preformer. With a small scope on a see-thru set of mounts it becomes a formatble plate form within the 100 meter engagement envelope.
— Rimfire pistols are as important as their long gun counter part. There are enough choice on the market to satisfy almost any taste. However, from my POV you showcased what might be considered a quintacential American firearm. The Ruger Mk I. Its only draw back is being somewhat diffucult to disassemble and reassemble but other than that is a nearly perfect Rimfire design. In any of its varients Mk II, Mk III, or 22/45 its a great choice. If weight is an ussue and you want something lightweight but without loss of any preformance … Tale a look at the Ruger 22/45 UltraLights with the threaded barrel. Out of the box at 1pound, 4.5 oz (unloaded) and 1 lb, 8oz with a GemTech / Outback II Supressor attached it provides all of the expected Ruger preformance with very light weight. The other rim fire pistol that’s worth a hard look is the Kal-Tek PMR30. This is a .22 Magnum, Simi-Auto, ultra high capacity magazine pistol that offers improved preformance over the .22LR platforms. Ammo may or may not be an issue. I have been quite pleased with the one I have .
— note able that ,22LR had been hard to come by over the past several years. Not impossible, but hard. This trend seems to be easing up in recent months and there has been more and more appearing on dealers shelves. Still it’s going to be awhile I think before we see it again in the quantities seen just several years ago. One might consider the other Rimfire munitions and platforms that don’t seen to be as greatly effected by the bare shelves of .22LR. Take a look at your local sporting goods store and my bet is they have .17 HMR and .22 Magnum. Either are with ones consideration in view of this post thread.
If all you can afford or all you can grab going out the door is one or two firearms I’d place the Rimfires at the top of the list of priorities if for no other reason than there versatility and near universal ability to be handled by young and old with little expierance but fair results.
If there is anything that’s missing from this thread it might be a commentary and some suggestions concerning optics and mounts for any of the long gun choices. For many and most importantly those first timers and those less experienced,a optics for a long gun may be a more intimidating “choice experience” than actually buy the firearm itself.
Perhaps this should be a blog in an of itself?
I greatly enjoyed reading this thread. Was nice for a chance to see this issue no devolve into “this is better than that” line of thought. Sound, basic, common sense and logic are the guide presented here. Thanks, Jack! I look forward to your next thread!
July 21, 2014 at 11:50 AM
For a change we agree on the suggested weapons. We can argue over specifics but the five categories are spot-on and have been my choices for more than 50 years. Living in the Rocky Mtn. states all my life, weapons for wide open spaces have always been more important than close combat guns, but things are changing. Even the mountains seem crowded lately. Thanks for the info.
Pingback: 5 Survival Guns You Should Have » The Preppers Life
July 21, 2014 at 7:51 PM
Much to consider and significant Truth in this article… especially in regards to keeping a Mosin or 12, with a SPAM Can each, stashed around in inconveniently accessible BO locations.
That said, one major class of firearms is missing – and that is the non-tacticool, intermediate/pistol caliber lever action carbine as an “inconspicuous” PDW alternative.
My 20″ .357 Lever is a 100+yd deer gun and 150yd Zombie gun. It does not scare the sheeple like my HK91 (or even Mosin) does, and it takes the same fodder as my EDC.
What is notable about a LA Carbine is that it can actually be cheaper, and quieter, to shoot than a .22 if one takes the time to work up the proper loads (a .38 “catsneeze” load is FAR more effective, and quiet, on small game than people realize, and your LA carbine will shoot home-made Black Powder and cast bullets just fine…)
Anyway, food for thought.
July 21, 2014 at 7:56 PM
Oh… and one other bit to consider: Since a .357 lever gun eats both .357 & .38 sp, you have twice the chances of buying/scrounging usable OEM ammo if you don’t reload.
Add to that a .38 derringer loaded with .38 Snake Shot as an EDC-BUG to a .357 Wheelie & Levergun and it gives a whole new meaning to “3-gun” proficiency…
July 24, 2014 at 2:52 AM
Excellent idea — I tend to stick to more reliable platforms like revolvers & bolt-action guns, but the lever-action is certainly equally reliable with problematic ammo. Wish I had kept my old Winchester 30-30 now. My only quibble was that it was sometimes tricky to clear the occasional jam — though those might have been due more to my inexperience than actual malfunctions.
Your comment about black-powder loads brings up something that it would be VERY handy to know, for all of us. I’d like to see a chart showing how much of which kind of black powder would be a safe, practical reload for various calibers. Might be smart to keep a good stock of black powder in the cabinet to reload .38, .357 or other common ammo for platforms that don’t depend on chamber pressure to operate. I know that i could shoot my .357 revolvers with a black-powder load, but have absolutely no idea how much powder to use.
If someone can dope this all out, it might be a very useful future article.
December 19, 2017 at 11:39 AM
Black powder having a lot less pressure can be bulk loaded. It likes a little compression so filling up the rifle case with just a little compression helps the burn to be consistent. I seriously doubt you can put enough black powder in any modern smokless cartridge to hurt anything, in fact it will have considerably less pressure than modern powder, provided you don’t leave any air space between the bullet and the powder. That condition of an air space is dangerous and can cause a burst barrel.
Just use 2FFG rifle black powder and compress the load say approximately 1/8″ to 3/8″ inch, having the bullet resting on a card wad touching the powder column. You won’t be able to achieve the same rifle velocities with black powder, but does really consistent loads and performs better with heavier bullets especially hardened lead slugs.
July 21, 2014 at 8:41 PM
A good quality, accurate, high velocity air rifle in either .22 or .17 caliber, is a must for taking small game without drawing attention to your location and you can pack thousands of pellets in a small area. Not everyone is willing to jump through the hoops to obtain a silencer and they are not legal in many states. All five of your choices would make my list.
July 24, 2014 at 3:35 AM
i agree — have been an airgun fan since I bought my RWS Model 34 over 20 yrs ago to kill pest birds without spooking my dogs & chickens. I don’t think much of the .177 caliber, but a .22 pellet with a lot of push behind it is a very effective bird-and-small-varmint stopper.
My RWS 34 will reliably hit rabbits & squirrels at about 25 yards with open sights, probably more if I scoped it. It’s a legitimate target model (costs about $200 now), so is very accurate.
It’s also rather silent and the ammunition is unbelievably cheap — and light to carry — and of course has an unlimited shelf life.
All in all, a Prepper’s dream gun. I keep about 10 or 15 thousand pellets on hand (whenever they go on sale I buy them), and it takes up hardly any space.
July 21, 2014 at 9:00 PM
UTAS- UTS15 good idea but pieces of the gun fall off when it’s fired and it fails to load and jams
July 21, 2014 at 11:52 PM
well said,only handgun i care for in auto is.45.i like the 1911 platform i bought onefor 210.00 dollars in 1996.kimbers then were 700.00dollars.but ihave a new preference now .for the 200 or so dollars (140 for mine new)a high point after break in is it.there are touture test on youtube that made me get it.they are tough.i agree with the rest though
Rebel Yankee
July 22, 2014 at 9:24 AM
Straight up from a thinking man’s perspective, great job, couldn’t have said it better myself. My order of purchasing was likewise. Shotgun 1st. because IF it were my only gun, it can be all I need. Mossberg does that best with the top tang safety, making it great for me, as well as my lefty wife.
2nd. was a Taurus model #66 in .357 magnum, an easy handgun for both of us to master, few bells or whistles with the versatility to use the both the .357, and .38 special which my slighter framed wife likes.
3rd. was the Ruger 1022, 4th. the Ruger MKII, and 5th. the Ruger Mini 14.
Living in Chicago Illinois at the time a centerfire deer hunting rifle for me was a Shotgun with a slug. Centerfire rifle hunting isn’t even an option there.
Down the road thirty years, and across the country living very rural in Eastern Tennessee The 1022, and Mossberg 500 are still in our prepper arsenal as well as a great many other options filling all 5 catagories, and the sixth as well in a “Battle Rifle”.
And yes, too many focus narrowly on firearms, and not enough on food. Start a vegetable garden, raise up a flock of backyard chickens, learn to hunt, fish, butcher, and can before you need to, because then it’s too late. Develop skills other than shuffling paper, because that won’t save you either. I’m an ex military combat medic, a mechanic, machinist, carpenter, electrician, plumber, sheet metal worker, welder, and an ordained minister. I also dabble in archery, and gun smithing, reloading is next. Skills are very much something you can barter.
Might I suggest you master a few of those as well, and round out your survival package, to increase your chances 😉
August 6, 2018 at 9:35 PM
I have to say, it is refreshing to hear someone say that they dabble in archery. All too often we forget that powder does have a shelf life and you can’t retrieve bullets to fire again. Archery skills should not be taken lightly and practiced early and often.
July 23, 2014 at 3:33 PM
M6 scout- extreme light weight 410/22lr holds ammo in stock can be fired with cold weater mittens.
for a longer stay his big brother
Savage 24V 30-30/20 gauge heavyer but easier to take larger game at a distance.
Defense/hunting will be modified by the ammo at the time
H- small game #6 larger game slugs
add in a Ruger Mark II, and a judge and now you have a range of weapons for multiple occasions and only 4 types of weapon with 3 of the 4 capable of same ammo, reducing ammo weight.
July 24, 2014 at 2:41 AM
I absolutely agree with the choices — though, assuming the survival situation might easily extend into months, or years, I would emphasize the simpler, more reliable platforms that are NOT going to require spare parts, adjustment or “tweaking” unless you personally have gunsmithing skills AND a good supply of spare parts & springs.
As much as I enjoy shooting my semi-auto rifles, pistols & shotguns, I assume I might be in lockdown mode for an indefinite time, and I will be relying primarily on my revolvers, pump ot break-open shotguns, and bolt-action rifles.
If times get really tough and we must rely on old, or scrounged ammo, or ammo stored in less-than-optimal conditions, your life will be in better hands relying on something other than those fancy Glock or AR-15 platforms as the years roll on.
I have one more favorite category, though — the high-powered .22 airgun, for which ammo costs virtually nothing …. it’s very quiet (which might become important) …. and will save your .22 rimfire ammo for more important things than small rabbits & squirrel.
For this purpose the minimum should probably be the RWS Mod3l 34, or some equally-or-more-powerful airgun. But I’d probably stick to European or American brands rather than Asian imports.
Matt Stevens
July 24, 2014 at 10:45 AM
Most preppers agree that if there is a general breakdown in society, preppers will become targets of those who don’t have the food and supplies they need. Having firearms and the knowledge to use them well, may be the only thing that keeps many of us from being killed.
Of course, that means having to practice and practice some more.
Here’s another good read on the subject, that I found on Patriot Liberty
David Foster
July 25, 2014 at 8:40 PM
When it comes to handguns i like the .500 magnum big powerful and the recoil is nice. When it comes to shotguns generally in my opinion are pump action 12 gauge magazine fed. Rifles well generally I like .50 caliber bolt action rifles with a big scope and a good supressor but they are pretty expensive.
April 6, 2018 at 11:10 PM
Get an 1897 model 97 winchester 12 guage pump ,the one with an outside hammer! You can hold down the trigger and it will shoot as fast as you can pump! Plus you keep one in the chamber and just cock the hammer when you need to shoot. A Ruger 10/22 is a must and a Ruger 22 pistol rounds out the all you need list. Practice a bit with each and just be ready for whatever?
May 4, 2018 at 12:59 PM
liked the article, recommend researching the moisin nagant before purchasing one. you may change your mind about one. rem.870,mossberg 500 winc. defender are all good shotguns. advise sticking to military / common calibers. add 30 30. also make sure you have enough ammo. especially 22 l.r.
May 4, 2018 at 1:34 PM
i like .45 acp for self defense. also a remington tac 14 in 20 ga. would be a good choice for close in. stick to 12 and 2o ga. for shotguns. theseare the most common. rifles m1a , m1 garand , are excellent . also the ar 15 family of weapons , make sure it fires the 5.56 round. have plenty of ammo, mags and accessories.
November 7, 2023 at 5:18 PM
Wouldn’t your ammo last longer if you didn’t store it like in you photo?