Survival Skills

Hiking Safety Tips



active young couple hiking forest during hiking safety tips feature ss

How to Stay Safe While Hiking in the Wilderness

Hiking is a favorite pastime among survivalists and outdoorsman. There's nothing quite like spending the day out in nature, taking in the sights and pushing yourself to the limit to go places you've never gone before.

But a pleasant afternoon hike can turn into a dangerous situation for the unprepared. Wild animals, bad weather and other factors can pose hazards to even the most experienced hiker. It's always best to be prepared for the worst and practice hiking safety at all times.

The following hiking safety tips, presented in an infographic originally published on, will help guide you on your next hiking trip so that you can be sure it will be a safe and fun experience.

Check it out, and be sure to share your own hiking safety tips in the comments!


Want more information on outdoor survival? Check out these related articles from our website:

Arizona Hiker Survives Three Days Without Food and Water

10 Ways Hiking Can Prepare You For Anything

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  1. Alan Capoldo

    January 16, 2016 at 10:09 AM

    I was just viewing your hiking tips..At the bottom of the article was a blue title (10 way hiking can prepare you for anything.) When I click on it, it says that I don’t have permission to view it–WHY would you include it if you don’t want us to view it?? Just don’t include it.

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