Survival Gear

How to Choose a Survival Knife



how to choose a survival knife

Which Survival Knife is Right for You?

It goes without saying that a survival knife is a necessity for any survivalist, hunter or outdoorsman.

But how do you know which knife is right for you?

This ISN’T just another pretty blade… This knife is big, beefy, and guaranteed to get you out of ANY jam!

First, of course, you need to know exactly what a survival knife is. It's also important to remember that not all survival knives are created equal. Some are much better suited for particular tasks, and some knives will feel more comfortable in your hand than others. There are also other variables to consider, such as whether you prefer a fixed blade or folding knife.

To learn more about what to take into consideration when choosing a survival knife, check out the video below from Black Scout Survival on YouTube. And be sure to share your own tips with us in the comments!




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