Personal Safety

Earthquake Preparedness Tips



earthquake safety tips

Earthquakes have been all over the news for the last few days, after several countries including Japan, the Philippines, Maynmar and Ecuador were hit with quakes that together claimed hundreds of lives.

How to Prepare for the Unpredictable

Earthquakes are one of the most difficult natural disasters to predict, and that's what makes them so dangerous. Although there are some warning signs, and certain areas (such as the west coast of the US and the “ring of fire” around the Pacific Ocean), earthquakes can strike anywhere at any time.


Earthquakes strike suddenly and without much warning. It's important to know what actions to take as soon as an earthquake strikes in order to decrease the chance of injury or death.

Most disaster preparedness experts recommend a technique called Drop, Cover and Hold On during an earthquake. Most earthquake deaths occur due to flying or falling debris (not collapsing buildings, as is commonly believed.) So, staying safe in an earthquake is much like staying safe during a tornado. If you find yourself indoors in an earthquake, do not go outside. Instead, drop to the ground, cover your head by taking cover under a sturdy piece of furniture (such as a table or desk), and hold on to it for stability.

Watch the video below for more information.


It's also important to keep an earthquake preparedness kit close by in case disaster strikes. Your kit should include:

For a full list of supplies for your earthquake preparedness kit, check out the video below from SoCals Preps on Youtube.



Do you have an earthquake survival story or earthquake preparedness tips to share? Tell us in the comments below!

Earthquake Preparedness Tips

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