
Building Shelter Without Tools



Building Shelter Without Tools feature

While you may have all the newest and greatest survival gadgets, they're no replacement for skills.  Unfortunately, tools can be lost or broken, and things can go South really quickly if you don't know how to get by without them.

One of the most important things to have in a survival situation is shelter.  It's not that tricky to rig up a tarp and some branches as a temporary tent, but if you're caught out in the wild for more than a week, you'll need to be able to make something a little more sturdy.

Check out this article to learn how to make a long-term shelter without any tools.

How good are your shelter-making skills? While it takes little training to set up a tent or turn tarp into a temporary shelter, learning how to make stable, long-term housing is quite a bump up in difficulty. In the below video, a survival expert demonstrates how to build a wattle and daub hunt entirely from scratch— including chiseling your own tools out of stone.


By definition, a wattle and daub hut is not something that can be described as comfortable. The method for building these shelters goes back at least 6,000 years and often involves mud, clay, straw, or dung. Wooden strips or branches are arranged into a lattice and then reinforced with some kind of binding material, usually mud.

Do you have any tips on building shelter without tools?  Let us know in the comments.

Want to know more? Check out these related articles:

Build a DIY Survival Shelter for Only $5!

Survival Shelters: Things You Need To Know

How To Build A Shelter Using Natural Resources

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  1. Aussie_Prof

    July 1, 2015 at 4:22 AM

    “Without tools” is not necessarily ‘without resource’. Google and YouTube have many sites offering tutorials on how to build an earth bag home / bunker / shelter. These things are highly stable, very insulative, bullet & bomb proof and (as demonstrated recently in Tibet) earthquake proof! Can be built for labour only cost or close to, yet it IS substantial labour.

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