Self Sufficiency

6 Worst-Case Scenario Tips from Doomsday Preppers



Are You Ready Warning Sign | Worst-Case Scenario Tips from Doomsday Preppers

What we can learn from current events is that it pays to always be prepared. Suddenly, people are looking to doomsday preppers for their tips to prepare for the worst-case situations.

Doomsday Prepper Tips to Keep in Mind

Prepping has gotten a bad rap. TV shows and the media have long laughed at doomsday preppers, calling them crazy and extremist.

But as the world suddenly faced a global pandemic, and economies shut down in mere weeks, average people were forced to face the music: we could all be a little more prepared.

It’s true that many preppers plan for scenarios that leave us without power and fresh water. Both severe storms and society crumbling make these very real possibilities.


But there’s more to prep for than learning how to live in your house without utilities. There’s also the possibility of getting lost while camping and hiking or having to learn to live off of the land.

As we’ve all learned the hard way, we need to plan for manmade disasters that leave us homebound and without access to many basic necessities.

So now that doomsday preppers are earning a little more of our respect, what can we learn from them?

1. Prepping Is Not Extreme

Being prepared for the unknown is not extreme. It is practical and responsible. History has proven that things can take a turn for the worst, and conditions can continue to deteriorate.

Prepping is not all bomb shelters and 30-year supplies of beans. It is keeping shelf-stable foods and clean water on hand and having a healthy savings account in case your source of income is interrupted.

2. Self-Sufficiency Is Valuable


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You might live on your own and pay your bills, but true self-sufficiency requires you to be able to provide for yourself even when our basic infrastructure fails us.

Growing and storing your own food is a big part of being self-sufficient. Gardening, canning, and dehydrating foods are all valuable skills to learn.

Learning how to make your home less reliant on utilities contributes to your self-reliance.

Digging a well, switching to solar energy, and ensuring you have a method to cook food without electricity are all great ways to guarantee your comfort and way of life.

3. Be Cautious

Doomsday preppers don’t rush into the fray and get caught up in the hysteria. In the case of the coronavirus pandemic, stay home and protect yourself from the spread of germs.


Before large storms, avoid the crowds of panic shoppers. Be ready before everyone attempts to be ready at the same time.

4. Think Long-Term

When the economy closed and businesses shuttered in mid-March, many of us thought things might be back to normal in two weeks. That has hardly been the case.

For some states, they are looking at closures and cancellations that could last into 2021. When you plan for disaster, think long-term.

Goals to work towards are shelf-stable foods and fresh water supply or the ability to purify water, for your entire family, for a month. Your savings account should be able to sustain you for three months without income.

5. No Amount of Prep Is Too Small

Anything is better than nothing. Instead of letting yourself be overwhelmed at all you can learn, all you can prep, and all you can save, start small.

Make goals and work towards them. Any amount of preparation is better than no preparation.

6. The Basics Are the Most Important


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Life in America usually has us preoccupied with having the newest phone, the best car, and the most fashionable clothes. Prepping brings us back down to earth.

The most important things to prep are food, water, medications, shelter, the ability to cook food, and the know-how to persevere. Everything else falls to the wayside.

When the worst of this pandemic is behind us, hopefully, you don’t lose your prepping mentality.

The economy may not recover as quickly as you’d hope, and living cautiously is a wise approach as things open back up. There’s no way to know what’s coming next, and doomsday preppers must be ready!

What SHTF preparations have you been doing so far? Let us know in the comments section!

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