Bug Out Bag

10 Medications To Stock In Your Bug Out Bag



How complete is your bug out bag? If you still don’t have the necessary medications packed, prioritize our list below!

Essential Medications to Pack in Your Bug Out Bag

When SHTF, even if on a smaller scale of a natural disaster, you want to be fully prepared with all of the essentials. We always reference your “well-stocked first aid kit,” but what exactly does that mean?

Of course, items like band-aids, bandages, and Neosporin come to mind, but a well-rounded supply of over-the-counter (OTC) medications can ease common ailments that you and your family members may experience.

Be sure to have any prescription medications filled for your Bug Out Bag as well – at least a month’s supply. Label everything clearly with contents and regimen, and consistently check that nothing has expired.

Top OTC Medications to Keep on Hand

1. Ibuprofen

An anti-inflammatory pain medication, ibuprofen is versatile and can treat headaches, earaches, sore throats, sinus pain, stiff neck, muscle strains, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and back pain, as well as reduce fevers.

In many cases, it is safe for children to use. Advil and Motrin are both brands of ibuprofen.

2. Acetaminophen

A pain reliever that is not an anti-inflammatory, acetaminophen is used for the same ailments as ibuprofen but is considered less likely to irritate the stomach. Tylenol is a brand of acetaminophen.

3. Diphenhydramine

An antihistamine used to treat respiratory infections and nasal allergies, diphenhydramine can also relieve hives, itching, and itchy rashes like poison ivy. Diphenhydramine is safe for children to use. Benadryl is a brand of diphenhydramine.

4. Loperamide

A highly effective OTC solution for diarrhea, loperamide comes in tablets or liquid solutions that children can easily ingest. It can also be used to treat intestinal cramping that causes discomfort. Imodium is a brand of loperamide.

5. Pseudoephedrine

Pseudoephedrine will treat congestion caused by infection, allergy, chemical irritation, and mild asthma or bronchitis. Sudafed is a brand of pseudoephedrine.

6. Meclizine

Meclizine is an antiemetic for treating nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, and vertigo-like dizziness. Because it can cause drowsiness, it can be used as a sleep aid.

It also has similar properties to anxiety medications and can treat anxiety. Dramamine is a brand of meclizine.

7. Ranitidine

Heartburn, ulcers, and acid reflux can all be treated with ranitidine, which has also successfully treated hives. Zantac is a brand of ranitidine.

8. Hydrocortisone Cream (1%)

Itchy rashes can be extremely irritating for children and adults and can be experienced in the forms of eczema, poison ivy, diaper rash, and genital irritations. Hydrocortisone cream can safely treat these inflammations.

9. Bacitracin

Bacitracin comes in the form of an ointment that can be used on abrasions, lacerations, insect bites, or stings to prevent infection. It can also be applied to mildly infected wounds.

10. Clotrimazole

Having an antifungal on-hand can save you a lot of discomforts, and can treat female yeast infections, athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, diaper rashes, and skin fold irritations. Lotrimin is a brand of clotrimazole.

Don’t Forget These, Too

In addition to these medications, make sure you pack:

  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Mosquito repellant
  • Aloe gel
  • Eyewash solution
  • Water purification tablets

And a few tools:

  • Scissors
  • Thermometer
  • Tweezers
  • Magnifying glass

All of your medical supplies should be stored together as a first aid kit, in an easy-to-carry and water-resistant bag. If you have any specific ailments that you suffer from, be sure to stock remedies for those more heavily.

Do you want to add anything in this list of medications? Share it with us and our readers in the comments section!

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